Roslyn earns Emmy, too

NKC Tribune, Thurs., December 3, 1992

By M.J. "Squeak" Giaudrone

Although the television series, Northern Exposure won an Emmy for being the best drama in its category, the City of Roslyn and its citizens are apparently no less important in a supporting role--site of the fictitious "Cicely", Alaska where most of the location scenes are filmed. This fact became evident during the last meeting of the Roslyn City Council on Tuesday night, November 24.

"We've been looking forward to this meeting for the past eight--to-ten weeks," Dan Dusek said of himself and his co-location manager for Pipeline Productions, Vicky Berglund-Davenport, when they appeared before the council. "On behalf of the Television Academy of Arts and Sciences and Pipeline Productions," Dusek began as he pulled a large framed certificate from a wrapper, "it gives Vicky and I great pleasure to present this to you," and read to the council: "The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences 1991-1992 Primetime Emmy Awards . . . honors the City and Citizens of Roslyn, Washington for contributing to the Emmy Winning Production. . . Northern Exposure--Outstanding Drama Series." The document was signed by Leo Chaloukian, president of the Academy.

"And, there's more," Davenport said, as she pulled a gold Emmy statuette from a satchel she had been guarding between her feet. "We'd like to leave this here with you, too!" Dusek explained, "but we promised to return it to California--it's only here on loan for tonight." Dusek said they wanted the council to see the Emmy first-hand. Roslyn has played host to the actors and actresses and two production companies, first Cine-Nevada and then Pipeline Productions, and their employees since the pilot show was broadcast in July of 1990. In parting the council was told by the pair, "we couldn't have done it without all of you in Roslyn."

The Emmy award has been hung in City Hall.

Created 2/14/02
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