4.17 Love's Labour Mislaid


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Original Air Date: February 22, 1993 Production number: 77602
Written by:
Jeff Melvoin Directed by: Joe Napolitano

Mike: Sometimes, Maggie, you just have to go for it. Grab for the gusto. Go for the plunge . . .”
Log line (1): Maggie forgets having sex with Joel; Ed faces an arranged marriage; a rare bird is seen (a Siberian Tit) and Holling and Ruth-Anne go out to see it.
Synopsis (1):

Maggie can't recall the sexual encounter with Joel that they reportedly announced to patrons of the Brick -- until, while talking with Mike (guest star Anthony Edwards), she repeatedly envisions Joel naked.

Uncle Anku (guest star Frank Sotonoma Salsedo) arranges for Ed to marry someone who loves another. Holling and Ruth-Anne trek into the woods to confirm a trapper's sighting of a Siberian Tit.

(Production Bible):

Maggie had a similar black-out in high school, after she broke her leg skiing.

Debbie can't marry Criag because he's not an indian, and her dad thinks he has no prospects.

In high school, Shelly had a fling with a guy who was the President of the 4-H club.

The Siberian Tit makes a noise like "deer-deer-deer, deer-deer-deer."

Ruth-Anne appeciates a good cigar.

Guest stars (9): Uncle Anku - Frank Sotonoma Salsedo (More from Native Celebs Database)
Debbie Something - Michelle St. John
Craig - James Chestnutt
John Hope - Bill Yallup, Jr.
Walt - Moultrie Patten
(Note music listed is from the original TV airings. The DVD may differ.)

[Help! I need the rest of these tunes from the original airing - email me.]

• Hawaiian sounding song (?)
[Ed tells Chris and Shelly he is getting married.]

• David Schwartz tune
[Joel confronts Maggie about having sex.]

• Saxophone tune?
[Maggie at Mike's, keeps seeing images of Joel naked.]

One More Kiss Dear - Bladerunner sound track
[Maggie in the Brick lamenting to Shelly.]

instrumental tune?
[Holling and Ruth-Anne search for the Siberian Tit in the woods.]

• David Schwartz tune
[Ending: Joel helps Ed put his room back the way it was.]

Shelly’s Earrings:

Gold dangly things - Birds? [Talks to Ed about his wedding; talks to Maggie about sex with Joel.]

Ed Chigliak's Movie References:

Arthur (1981) and South Pacific (1958) - Uncle Anku, John Hope and Ed discuss his not marrying Debbie Somthing.

Taxi Driver (1976) and The Sting (1973) - Ed and Joel discuss what to watch at the end.

Additional Notes :

More stuff on the Siberian Tit-
How to Identify
Locations in the US to find the bird - virtually non-existant in the lower 48; present but uncommon in Alaska.

Debbie Something is Mrs. Anku's cousin's daughter.

Footnotes and additional research

© Copyright, 2021 • Northern Exposure is Copyright © Universal City Studios. All Rights Reserved. • Created 1/24/02 • Updated 2/10/21