5.14 Bolt from the Blue

Joel: I know Adam is a walking pathology, but the guy's never hurt anybody, not that I know of. I mean, threats of imminent danger are just his way of saying "good morning." (6)

Original Air Date(1): January 24, 1994

Production Number (7): 77713

Written by(1): Jeff Melvoin

Directed by(1): Michael Lange

Log line(1): Maurice and Adam (guest star Adam Arkin) clash over the hired help for a fireworks display; Joel tutors a patient on the art of conversation; Ed is struck by lightning.

Synopsis(1): Maurice is planning the First Annual President's Day Fireworks Gala and secures a premiere company to handle the display. Adam returns from anonymity and breaks into Maurice's house unannounced to tell him that the D'Angelos, the fireworks experts, are mob-connected arms dealers. When Maurice continues with his plans, Adam secretly sabotages the entire operation and the D'Angelos resign from the job. An explosives expert himself, Adam finishes the gala presentation with a breathtaking display.

When park ranger Stan Burns (guest star Jimmie Ray Weeks) loses his job and refuses to leave his post, he requests Joel to mediate the situation. Stan is afraid of a change because he feels that people don't like him and he has trouble making friends. Joel, who only knows him as a patient, builds up his self-esteem and talks him down from the fire tower. Afterward, Stan tries to assimilate into society, but bores everyone to tears with his incessant drone of chatter. Joel finally gives Stan some social tips on how to have a two-sided conversation.

When Ed is struck by a bolt of lighming, he wonders if it is a sign that he has been chosen for something. Looking for answers, he consults with Leonard and Chris to no avail. Eventually, he seems to come to grips with the randomness and uncertainty of nature.

Guest Stars(7):
Baby Miranda - Brittney and Clarissa Posner
Dave the Cook - William J. White
Adam - Adam Arkin
Carmine D'Angelo - George Catalano
Salvatore D'Angelo - John LaMotta
Petievich - Cliff Lenderman
Trooper - Ron Perkins
Ranger Stan Burns - Jimmie Ray Weeks

Trivia(2): wine of the week: '61 Lafite

Do We really trust this Neilsen System?: Bolt from the Blue scores the highest rating of the year, a 16.2/25.

Music: (3)
Au We

• English Tea Rooms

• This is Our Night - Julee Cruise
[Ed talks to Chris - he thinks he is depressed.]

• Rock and Roll Part 2 - Gary Glitter
[During the fireworks show at end.]

Shelly's Earrings:
Monkeys (like the kind in the Barrel of Monkeys game) [Talks to Holling and Joel about Ranger Burns.]

Additional Notes:
Stan Burns went up the tower the day after Jimmy Carter took office.

Footnotes and additional research:
1. The Revised and Updated Northern Exposure Book, 2nd Ed. by Louis Chunovic (1995)
2. Revised NE Bible: New and Improved fro 94-95 season! Memo from: Ursula Wendel and Cynthia Cohen- Gugisch
3. Print-out of Jude Shabry's music list from the Moose's Guide to Northern Exposure.
4. Intertain 2000 collection of NX music online
5. Geoff's Miscellany- episode guide for 5.15
6. Kevin Wright's Culture NX Quotes for Season 5.

Created 2/16/02 • Updated 4/18/02

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